Family! Friends!
I am so happy to finally be able to write you. I have been waiting for this
moment all week.
I love the MTC. I love my companion. I love my district. I love learning
spanish. I love Costa Rica. I love the food here. And mostly, I love being
a missionary.
Fun facts about my companion, Hermana McArthur:
She's 20 years old
From West Jordan, Utah
She was engaged and now she's on a mission (good choice girlfriend)
She's an opera singer (jealous)
Her brother is an actuary (shout out to dad)
She lived in Santa Clarita for 3 months before the mission (yep, we
literally lived 15min apart)
Her parents are professional Santa's (hi Mr and Mrs Claus!)
She loves to say "what the ham" (maybe its a utah thing?)
And mostly, I love her.
The first day I got here we had a huge orientation and all the new
missionaries sang "to bring the world his truth" but changed the words to
"we are NOW the Lord's missionaries"
Tears, just rolling down my face.
So, they say the MTC stands for missionary training center. But personally,
i think it stands for:
Because I have cried every single day I've been here. I cry because I'm
happy, because I feel the spirit, because I love missionary work, because
learning another language is hard, because I miss my little brothers.
I also think it has another meaning too.
Here at the MTC we do all sorts of great things. Here's what my typical day
consists of:
Wake up at 6:30
Personal study, companion study, language study
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner (my favorites are the cookies dough ice cream
and curly fries)
Testimony meetings
At least 20 prayers a day (not exaggerating)
Gym (I don't wanna brag but I mean, I was the king of the court at four
square. repeats of 6th grade?)
Lots and lots and lots of studying
And then bed @ 10:30
Being able to watch conference here was amazing! One of my favorite talks
was by Elder Holland. When they announced he was going to be the first
speaker in that particular session you could hear all the missionaries say,
"YESSS!!!" it was awesome.
I loved how he said that imperfect people are all God has ever had to work
with, that must be pretty frustrating! We need to be kind, forgiving, and
patient. This is definitely something I needed to hear. On Sunday, Vocal
Point performed and they were wonderful! The Tuesday devotional was given
by Brother Gerald Lund (writer of the work and the glory) and he spoke
about revelation. What a gem!
Basically if you're wondering, the MTC is just one big party. I am always
running into people I know from home, efy, or byui. I love it so much! And
I have also made so many new friends. Everyone here is so great and I
really think there are more sisters here than elders, it's the best!
Tender mercy time:
One night at dinner I was feeling discouraged and decided to turn my frown
upside down. I started chatting with the sweet old man sitting across from
me. Turns out he is from Costa Rica and then he continued to give me advice
and tell me stories for the rest of my meal. It made me SO happy and
realize that I can do this. And not only that, but I get to do this! How
lucky am I?
I am the oldest person in my district which is kinda funny, but I am
starting to love them more and more each day. They are my family! The
Elders are immature and make me laugh but I know they have a desire to
increase their testimonies and bring others unto Christ! Which is all that
matters. I am excited to watch us all grow here.
Spanish time:
I really do love learning spanish! I can say prayers and bear my testimony
but that's about it. After only 2 and a half days of being here they told
us we had to teach our first "investigator", Pedro.
....In Spanish. Say what!?
Ummm, that's when those 20 prayers come into place. So we knock on Pedro's
door (the classroom) and he let's us in. I mostly just nod my head and say,
"Si, si, si". Poor Pedro. My sweet companion just looks at me with a blank
stare. So I panic and just start talking in broken spanish. I start telling
him about the gospel and I bear my testimony and the spirit is so strong
and I don't know how I did it. Except, I do. The Lord! He helps me do this
and he is going to help Pedro too. What a happy, happy day.
Everyone has to call me "Hermana Starke" here and I am starting to forget
my name is even Jessicah!
That's when I realize, that's the point. I have to forget myself in order
to help others and in order to truly serve God. And I love it. I am loving
every minute of it.
Yo se que la iglesia de JesuCristo es verdadera!
Love you all so very much,
Hermana Starke
Scripture of the week: D&C 88:63 "Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock,and it shall be opened unto you.
Quote of the week:
Elder Blegan: Everyone! I just realized that quesadilla literally means
cheese day in spanish! Queso=cheese and dia=day. Isn't that awesome!?
Me: ..............
P.s. Thanks for all your letters and e-mails. They mean the world to me!
We're going to Costa Rica |
My Companion Sister McArthur |
Look who I ran friend Sister Chalis from Star Valley, Wyoming |
The Sister Missionaries in my district. |
My mom sent me a care package of brownies.... we ate them all. Yummmy! |
Spanish Class |
Ummmm..... It's snowing in Utah... I only packed for Costa Rica weather.... Thanks mom for making me bring this coat... mom's know best. |