Well.........I made it! I'm alive, safe, and happy.
After crying my eyes out over the phone for 2 straight hours in the Dallas, TX
airport we hopped on a plane and left the country.
There were a ton of teenage girls on the plane headed to Costa Rica for graduation party and excited to
enjoy a vacation for a week or two.
Then there was me. Coming to Costa Rica for much different reasons.
It was dark when we landed so I couldn't see much.
We walked off the plane and went through customs, security and other stuff
you have to do when entering a new country. It was awesome. Finally I was
reunited with my luggage and made my way to the front of the airport. I
looked up and saw a happy American family waving at me and I began to cry as I was
greeted by my mission president and his family. After that we all hopped in
vans and went to the temple! It was a beautiful sight.
All 10 of the new sisters stayed in a tiny little house for the night and I
slept by a cute little dead coachroach. But, I was so exhausted I didnt even
care. I smiled as I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep because...I'M IN
The next morning we woke up bright and early at 3am to take care of visa
and passport business. As we waited in the 5 hour line I saw a bird and a
little boy pointed to it and said, "Paloma!", Which made me think of my Dad
since he always calls me that. I then looked across the street and saw a
ton of ladies doing ZUMBA to Michael Jackson. Which of course made me think
of my mommy. I miss you guys...... Tender mercies.
We then got right to work and started contacting. I was SO nervous and
hesitant and first because well, EVERYONE speaks Spanish here.
So we hop on the bus and I sit next to this Tica named Maria. She LOVES
being Catholic, so obviously that didnt work out so well. I let out a sigh
and decided to sit quietly for the rest of the bus ride. But just as I did
so, I felt a tap on my shoulder. A man behind me who had overheard our
conversation asked me IN ENGLISH where in California I was from. I
excitedly told him and it turns out he was from San Diego. He spoke perfect
English and it made my heart so happy. I told him my purpose for being here
and basically gave him the first lesson. I watched his eyes light up as I
bore him my testimony. He was so interested. I gave him every pamplet I had
and got his information. First contact in Costa Rica.....check!
I couldn't stop smiling when I got off the bus and my heart was filled with
so much joy. Byran was prepared. So prepared. And I see a baptism for him
in the near future :)
We then went to the central park of San Jose and I was able to contact 3
other people. It was amazing! I couldn't believe that they understood what I
was saying. Or maybe they didn't and just felt bad for me. Either way, I
had 4 new contacts and I was pretty happy about it. WIth all 10 of the
sisters we made 17 contacts! Yay for the power of new sister missionaries.
As the sun started to set, I look up into the sky and it finally felt
real. I'm a missionary in Costa Rica. And it's the best thing in the world!
We ate really greasy McDonalds for dinner, but I had fun ordering in
Spanish. It was a great day.
Thursday morning we went to the Mission President's home and had an
authentic Costa Rican breakfast. We also had interviews with him so he
could get to know us and decide who our trainers would be. Exciting stuff!
After Breakfast we walked to the mission office and all stood in a room
with the new missionaries on one side and the trainers on the other.
All the trainers were native except for one. So, guess who my new companion
is? Hermana Shaleah Anderson from South Jordan, Utah. Apparently the
president changed his mind last second so it was a surprise for both of us.
President has huge expectations for Orotina. And I guess we are the people
to make it happen!
Here's a little about her:
She is beautiful and blonde and I already love her so much. She has been
here 3 months and opened up our area called Orotina. She has taught me so
much already. To work hard, to be obedient, and how to survive here. I am
so grateful for her.
All about Orotina:
During our orientation they told us that the super ridiculously hot places
would get a fan.......we have 2. The area was just opened 3 months ago due
to the overflow of sisters here. There is SO much work to do. And many
people in need of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Some people have very nice homes and cars here, and some people have the
exact opposite. But, everyone has their smart phones! It's really
interesting. Our apartment is nice. We are really lucky. It is a lot nicer
than many of the homes I have visited. I'll send pictures in the future.
I dont know how they do it but they take water from Alaska and put it in
the showers here. Its crazy.
Alright, time for the most important part (at least for Lisa Norman) THE
FOOD! It is delicious!! So far, I have loved everything I have eaten. The
fruit here is to die for. The mangos here ain't got nothin on Costco. They
have giant avacodos that we pick off the trees and they are seriously the
size of a small baby. Theres also a ton of fruit here that doesnt exist in
America. It's so delicious. And whenever we visit people they always give us
fruit as a departing gift. Sure, i'll take it! The people here are so
friendly and giving.
Besides the fruit, it's eggs, salad, rice, and beans errreday. The salad is
shredded cabbage with diced tomatoes and cilantro.
I can't even count how many bug bites I have recieved in the 6 days I've been
here, and both of my feet are swollen with blisters.
Everytime I take a step I just want to cry because it is so painful. The
rain, mud, rocks and new shoes dont really help either. But instead I just
smile cause I'm in Costa Rica. Pura Vida, right?
On Saturday we cleaned the church building and I met 2 new friends inside
of it. Terry the Teranchula and Ian the Iguana. I don't think they like me
very much because I screamed when I first met them.
For some reason my skin is getting whiter. Not sure why...... Oh maybe because
it rains here EVERYDAY. And I love it. My umbrella broke when I pulled it
out of my suitcase. Luckily they sell the good ones here. Silly umbrella
makers in California, they dont even know what rain is. Here its hard and
loud and hot and beautiful.
Theres about 30 to 40 members in the ward including 2 elders and us. The
woman sitting next to me pulled her shirt down and started breastfeeding
her baby during the sacrament and it was completely normal for everyone.
Except me.
Alright so no one can say my name here. And I mean NO ONE. It's hilarious.
They pronouce it essstarrkay. No? Ummmm No!
There are just chickens and dogs and frogs all over running wild in the
streets. Hiiiiii. I don't really mind it except I hate the dogs. They are
muy feo! (very ugly) But, you just throw rocks at them and they leave you alone.
We went to a recent converts house and had dinner with her family the other
night. We taught them how to make no bake cookies and all the kids helped
me with my Spanish. There are 5 kids that all sleep on one really old
matress and it just makes me want to give them everything I have. But they
are so happy and so grateful we are here for them.
This is EASILY the HARDEST thing I have ever done. I wish you could be
here and experience this all with me. It is nothing like I could have ever
imagined. It's hot and hard and I barely understand what's going on. But, I
know that 2 gringas here in Orotina, Costa Rica are going to change lives.
Not sure yet how, but it's going to happen. I have faith in that. I feel
power from heaven helping me and protecting me here and I am so grateuful
for this gospel. I know it's true. And I can't wait to tell everyone about it.
Miss you all
Hermana Starke
San Jose Costa Rica Temple |