Hi family!
So, I got a happy happy letter this week. MY TRAVEL PLANS :) I leave
Tuesday at 5am with a layover in Dallas and then I am scheduled to arrive
in Costa Rica around 7:00pm that night. I'm really really happy!
Goodbye hot showers,
Too much food
My wonderful new friends
Dry Utah weather
Awesome devotionals
Pretend investigators
And, the MTC
People often ask, how is the Spanish coming?
Well, it's coming.
But I realized something this week, my investigators aren't going to say to
me, "When you conjugated that verb correctly, that's when I knew that the
church was true!" It's my testimony and the spirit that are going to
change hearts, not the language.
This week we had a powerful lesson. We learned that we are teaching PEOPLE
not LESSONS. I can't wait to teach people. I can't wait to teach Costa
We also had an awesmome opportunity to teach a lady named Marieta from
Santiago Chile via skype! It was way cool and made me so excited for Costa
Rica. Through the fuzzy internet conection, and with broken spanish I was still
able to feel and teach with the spirit and it was a really great experience.
Well, like I've mentioned before, the Elders in my district sure do make me
laugh. One of them has a weird obsession with pepper jack cheez-its. Why? I
don't know. So when his life long supply for the MTC ran out, obviously he
was not a happy camper. Desperately, he wrote home to his Mom and asked her
to please send him some more. A few days later, when his package arrived,
he opened it to discover an entire box full of pepper jack *cheese*.......guess
he left out the "its" part-ooops... Hahaha
You think after 6 weeks I would be used to waking up at 6:30am right?
Wrong. Each day my morning prayers sound a little something like this:
Heavenly Father, Hi.
How are you?
I'm pretty tired.
No actually, I'm really tired.
I don't want to do this today.
Do I have to get up?
I do?
Okay, that's fair I guess.
Will you help me please?
Oh you're the best!
I love being a missionary, I promise.
Alright, talk to you soon
Yo digo estas cosas en el nombre de JesuCristo, Amen
Then my day begins! We study, pray some more, and then we eat breakfast.
Something you all must understand about the MTC it has every kind of cereal
known to man kind. One morning our district decided to demolish and ENTIRE
tower of froot loops. Let me tell you, this is no easy task ok? To pump up
my district of 9 teammates I decided to share an inspirational scripture:
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me". (Philipeans 4:13)
So you better believe after lots of milk, raw mouths, and 56 bowls of
cereal, we finished! It was fantastic.
Since Sunday was Cinco De Mayo, us spanish speakers decided to have a
little fiesta. Thanks to my dear, sweet mom for all the fiesta treats. Um,
especially the mexican chocolate and horchata. It was the best!
NFL player Chad Lewis came to speak with us and it felt like a little pep talk before
I go out into the mission field. It was awesome!
This week I have learned so much. My purpose as a missionary isn't to
just *invtite* others to come unto Christ. It's to invite them to *become* like
Christ. He is the perfect example. He is the light of the world! I
challenge everyone to be more Christ like. And as you do so, you will
become much happier. Your heart will be more full, and your life filled
with more purpose.
As I read the Book of Mormon, I have noticed a common re-occuring theme:
Departing into the wilderness
Yes, it sounds scary and strange. But repeatedly, The Lord asks his people
and prophets to go into the wilderness, and THEY DO! Most often the reason
is unknown and they are asked to leave everything behind. They experience
suffering and hardships. But as we continue reading, we see those people
are always blessed. The Lord provides.
As I am about to leave the comfort of the MTC and depart into my own
wilderness, I sometimes question my reason for doing it. I often feel alone
and suffer my own personal hardships. How can The Lord ask so much of me?
I've left everything behind and this wilderness is unknown and a bit scary.
In our lives we may not understand why the Lord asks certain things of us.
But as we do what he asks, and bend our will to his, blessings are given.
Miracles happen! I know that to be true because I have seen it happen in my
own life these past 6 weeks as I have given up everything to serve God.
I am so excited for the adventure ahead of me and know that the Lord will
help me! I can't believe that it is almost here!
Does it get any better than this?
Actually it does. This week I got to host all the new missionaries and I
loved it! And, I hated it at the same time too. I think I cried more than the new
missionaries did as I watched them say goodbye to their friends and family!
It is the sadest but happiest thing ever! And it was raining. Talk about
Well the next time you hear from me will be on the phone in the airport. I
am so excited for that phone call. I just screamed a little and now people are
staring. Ok, I should go now.
I love you all,
Hermana Starke
Quote of the week:
My companion (bless her heart): We get to go to the playa,(play-ah) ahhh I love the
playa. Do you live close to a playa?
Me: Hermana? Are you trying to say the beach in Spanish? It's not
pronounced play-ah. It's pronounced PLI-YA
Hermana McArthur: Ohhhhhh, no wonder everyone is staring at me.
Me: It's ok, we all know you're a playa tho. Hahaha
Shout out to all the important moms in my life! Cherie, Lisa, Sandy, Cindy,
Kristen, Raelene, Dolores, and Patsy! I love you all and hope you have a
wonderful mothers day :)
Si....Como estas |
Got my Hep A shot.... I can leave the country now |
Had to climb 5 flights of stairs... that was rough |
Cinco de Mayo fiesta goodies.... Gracias mi madre |
Cereal Challenge |
That's right two handed baby |
Super excited to be new missionary host |
Such a great letter. She sounds like she is doing so well and loving her missionary experience. Hard to believe her time at the MTC is coming to an end. It seems like she just left. She will be home before we know it.
Grandma Patsy loved the letter and the photos. She and I loved and appreciated the Mother's Day shout-out.
Sure do love that Hermana Starke. She is a keeper.
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