Tuesday, February 4, 2014

10 Months and LEGAL!!!!!

Hey fam bam,

Hermana Corales woke me up with a big giant hug today and reminded me that
today is Febuary 3 which means I, Hermana Starke, officially have 10 months
in the mish mish. Say whaaaat?! Feliz diez meses to me!

And, more exciting news, I finally recieved my "cedula" which means I have
this cool shiny card that says I am legal to be here. So after 10 months, I
am offically a TICA!

As for my compy comp she has about 3 week here now! And we are loving our
time together so much. It's pretty easy to tell she's a newbie because she is
covered in blisters and bug bites. Sound familiar? And the poor girl,
finally opened up to me and told me how she *really* felt the first day in
the mission. The food was different and weird, she wanted to throw up, and
while in the bathroom she dropped her nametag in the toilet. So maybe her
first day wasn't the best... but every day after that has been :)

We have crazy powerful lessons together and she is one of those people born
to be missionaries. One of the greats. Her faith is such an example to me
and I learn so much from her everyday.

She also is learning a few things from me too... For example, I told her
that even though the crocs here are way expensive they are totally worth
it. Not sure if she is totally convinced yet. But she will be come rainy
season! So today I bought me some new, comfy, purple crocs. ONLY a sister
serving in Costa Rica would get me. They are a new style and I LOVE THEM,
and  I am laughing out loud as I write this. Dont hate on us croc lovers!
(Megan Starke)

I also had to break the bad news to her that there are no dry cleaners here
in Costa Rica... just hang it up and let the humidity do it's work!

Although real confused at first, she learned real quick that we sit by
strangers on the bus. We talk to people on  the streets and at the check
out lines. We teach them about Joseph Smith and invite them to be baptized.
It's crazy. But what's even crazier, is when the people say yes!

This week our zone had a contest to see who could have the most lessons in
one day and whoever won, would get a giant cold Coke a Cola. The ticans
here are obsessed that stuff. And sorry mom, I am slowy coverting from
Pepsi to Coke. Hope ya still love me?  {MOM INTURRUPTS THIS LETTER TO SAY, I SWING
So at the end of the day we sent them a text messge telling them we like our Coke with Ice cream! Thats right,
the sistas in Ciudad Colon are rockin it. 12 lessons that day and 48 this
week! Now that I only have 8 months left, I cant just walk, I gotta run to
build the kingdom! The Lord is counting on me to find and feed his sheep!

Well, I love the work. I love my Savior. And I am grateful for every day and
the experiences it brings. Talk to you next week!
Hermana Starke

P.s. Sooo, funny story. When we walked in to Matha and Jan Carlos house
this week they were watching Duck Dynasty! I about died. Totally forget
that show even existed. Gosh dang it. Cant wait to get all caught up one
day haha. But Jan Carlos was just cracking up over the things they were
saying. That's why hes my favorite!

1 comment:

Beach Mommy said...

That's awesome! I canot believe it's been 10 months already! Of course when it's not me out there and I'm not her mom, I'm sure time goes by a little faster! Love you Sister!