Hi friends and family,
I can't believe how fast time is going. The more time I have here, the more
I learn to love it. And time is just flying. I don't even want to think
about the fact that in 4 months, I won't be in Costa Rica wearing a name tag
representing the one who has changed my life.
Being a missionary has meant the world to me. It's been the greatest
expreience I've ever had. It's changed me, and through this on going change,
it's converted me. I am forever grateful for that.
We realized something this week. Basically all of our investigators are
from contacting, so we decided to make a plan to get more references.
Because all though it's great when you invite someone off the street to
church and they come, we all know that the best way to find investigators
is through the members.
So all this week we have been sharing our testimonies with the members and
then asking for references. And I learned a lot. I learned how much I have
grown personally and spiritually as a person, missionary, and daughter of
God. I have had the privilege and opportunity to share my testimony every
day for the past 14 months and it has grown so much.
So today I want to share with you all a part of my ever growing testimony...
I KNOW that I am supposed to come here. Since the minute I read the words
in my mission call to just a few months ago, I have had my doubts. Why me,
why Costa Rica, why spanish, why this area. But our thoughts are not the
Lord's thoughts. His ways are not ours. He knows perfectly well what He's
doing and we need to learn to trust in that. Each companion, each
rejection, and each day is so delicately and perfectly catered to what I
need to learn. What I need to feel. And how I need to be tested. I am
completely convinced that out Heavenly Father is involved in the small
details of our lives. He loves us, and we must truly trust in him.
I KNOW that the atonement is real. When feelings of confusion and lonliness
settled in those first few months, it was rough. But the Lord gave me the
strength to push through. When the rejection was so harsh and I just wanted
to collapse and cry, the Lord gave me the power I needed to testify and
keep my head held high. When I was tired, so physically exhausted or sick
with pain, the Lord never took those burdens away. But he helped me "carry the
burdens". He comforted me. He loves me, because He understands me. And that's
what the atonement is. Doing the impossible because you are not alone.
Turning over what you cannot do for yourself. Overcoming weaknesses because
you must turn to the one who gave them to you. Hurting and suffering and
loving it because you are now privileged to take up the cross and walk a
few foot steps with Christ himself. And I know that He does not only lead
the way, but He walks right along with us.
I KNOW what I want. Cars, money and living a glamous life has little
importance to me now. The only thing I want is to be a wife and a mom. I
want a family that follows the Savior. A husband who keeps his covenants.
Lots of cute, happy babies that grow up to be missionaries one day. I want
temple visits, scripture study and family prayer because I know nothing
will make me happier. And there is nothing that will stop me or get in my
way from getting just that.
I KNOW that the Lord is protecting me. Sooo Saturday night we did some last
minute visits in a place called Guapinol, right? Let's just say it's not the
safest or richest part of CR. And well an old, old investigator from like a
year ago is kind of in love with me. Haha. He saw me and came up and
started talking to us. So I shook his hand and he tried to kiss me. But I
freaked out, ducked, and he misses, thankfully. We then quickly discovered
he is super super drunk. So we get away quickly and everything is fine but
when we leave the next lesson we found him outside waiting for us..... talk
about creepy. So we sprinted for the other direction and my companion tells
me that he's following us. Great. And we are on a dark street and it's
getting late. And I'm sorry for telling this story mom, but don't worry, it
has a happy ending. So even though I'm pretty sure he wanted to and was
going to attack us, I prayed hard hard hard and the Lord blessed and
protected us. There just happened to be a family of 7 sitting outside their
house with the lights on and I started preaching to them, the creeper just
kept on walking... So we found a new family and I learned my lesson to
never go to Guapinol after dark.
I KNOW President Wilkinson is a man called of God. We had our leadership
meeting with him this week and it was just so amazing. Seriously. It's like
one of the best parts of being a missionary... going to these meetings.
President Wilkinson taught us how to be leaders and shared with us what he
has learned in his life time of being a leader himself. Something that I
will take with me, use, and apply forever.
I KNOW it's possible to live a day without rice. Today my cute companion and
I had a picnic and made carne asada with tortillas, pico de gallo, avocados
and diet coke. Best p day lunch ever? I think yes.
I KNOW this work is true. It's hastening and we can choose whether or not we
want to be a part of it. The true gospel and priesthood keys have been
restored upon the earth through the prophet joseph smith. I wasn't with him
when he saw God the father, and Jesus Christ but I know he saw them because
I have read the book of mormon and felt it's truthfulness in my heart. Love
being a missionary. Love the gospel. Love my testmony. Love you all for
reading and being such a special part of my life. In the name of Jesus
Christ, Amen.
Your favorite missionary, Sister Starke

1 comment:
What a great testimony! I am so glad you were safe and that others who are concerned for your welfare followed the promptings they received. As you, I know Heavenly Father is aware of us each us and will give us the strength to carry our burdens - even to the point that we may wonder if we shouldn't be feeling worse than we are while we are going through trials. (Yay!) Keep up the good work!
Sister Finley
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