HOLA!!!!! Como estan todos!? I'm good, just slightly freaking out at all my welcome home, come home now, you're almost home emails. I STILL GOT 5 LONG WEEKS PEOPLE. Let me love and enjoy them :) doesn't help that my companion points to every airplane in the sky and tells me that will be me very, very soon. And I just say no no no. I am in denile! Speaking of my companion... she has the craziest story and the strongest testimony I have ever heard or felt. I admire her so much and am just learning a ton from her. I wish you could all meet her and feel her amazing spirit. Hermana Martinez has had a rough life but it's made her fierce and strong. Her Dad passed away when she was younger leaving her Mom to provide for her and her family. They struggled to get by and faced a lot of challenegs, but it's what prepared and led her to finally find and recieve the gospel. Her family has always believed firmly in the Catholic faith. She was taught to be very dedicated in all she does, especially to God. She was baptized, had her confirmation, did the bible classes, went to church 5 times a week, and everything else a real Catholic does. When she was 15, a friend invited her over for a family night with the missionaries and she watched the restoration video. She thought it was all nice until they gave her a book of mormon. She thought it was ridiculous and weird that there could exist any other scripture than the bible. And that was that. Time passed and the book sat in box under her bed for 6 years. She continued life with little purpose and even less happiness. One day when she was walking home with her little brother, 2 boys with white shirts, ties and nametags started talking to her brother about soccer. They asked if they could visit him one day and he replied, sure. Why not? Within a few days the two young elders came looking for her little brother. But he didn't actually think they would come! So he ran upstairs and hid himself in his room. Annoyed, hermana Martinez had to open the door and tell them that her brother was busy and to come back later. Luckily these elders were persistant and Hermana Martinez ended up recieving all the lessons. But this time was different because she recieved a very powerful witness from the spirit that it was all true and was baptized 3 weeks later. Sadly, she is the only member in her family and has done it all alone. But knows its true and loves it. The day she completed a year as a member of the church she sent in her mission papers and was called to Costa Rica! She figured she would have to enter the mtc late because the day before she reported, she still hadnt recieved her visa. Discouraged she was about to call her bishop when he called her and told her that her visa came in that very morning! It was 12pm and her original flight was scheduled to leave at 4pm. So what did she do? She said a prayer, got ready, borrowed a suit case from a neighbor, packed the few skirts she had, said her goodbyes and took a taxi to the airport. She barely made her flight but made it just in time and knows without a doubt this is where the Lord wants her to be. She loves and embraces the gospel because she knows understands what life is like with out it. When she shares her conversion story I just get goosebumps because its so powerful and she teaches and testifies without a single doubt. She is amazing talking with and teaching Catholics (aka every person that lives in Belen...) and even though she only has a year and 7 months as a member she knows way more that I do and for real this girl is incredible. It's been such a blessing to be able to learn, teach, and share with her. She loves teaching the plan of salvation to everyone because its her favorite part of the gospel. Which prepared us to meet Mariana. She moved in about a month ago to an apartment above one of our current investigators and weve been wanting to teach her since then but shes always been so dang busy. Well on Saturday, we finally found out *why* she's always so busy. She let us into her tiny home and we met her two children. Her 3 year old daughter was laughing, playing and running around, but her son, Issac was contrained to a bed. It's a miracle that Issac is even alive, because children with the desease he has normally only live to be 3 years old, and Issac is 5. Mariana has struggled so much over the past 5 years taking care of him and trying to pay for all the medicine and medical bills. Her husband works all night long and then comes home in the morning to help her during the day. Issac cant walk or talk and must be fed through a tube connected to his stomach. But when I met him, I could just feel something so special inside of his crippled, defected body. You can feel his sweet spirit when you look into his eyes. We began to teach the plan of salvation and where we were before this life. We explained to Mariana that Issaic was an angel before this life and only needed to come to earth to recieve a body because he was perfect and didnt need to be tempted or tested. We testifed that God loved him and trusted her enough to be his mother. She began to sob uncontrollably because she had no idea... She had been burdened with 5 years of questions and doubts, but hearing this made her feel so relieved and filled her heart with peace. Many other pastors have told her other things and even said that it was her fault for not having enough faith to heal him. She had no idea what to believe until the spirit testified to her that what we were teaching was true. It was a miracle. Issac is a miracle. I love missionary work because it's not always just about how many people you baptize but how many people hear the true message of the restored gospel. We are called and sent forth to preach this message and I know it will be taught and preached until every child of God hears it. Hermana Starke
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
5 more weeks of miracles comin' right up!
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Bee Stings and Angel's WingsThis
Hi family! Well............ "IT'S THE FINAL COUNT DOWN!!!!!" Because today is the start of my very last change in the mission! My last planner My last companion My last pair of shoes 6 more weeks of rice and beans 6 more weeks of spanish 6 more letters home and 6 more weeks to enjoy, live up, and love every moment being a missionary! Ready, set go. Ok I just have soooo much to tell you all. I could sit here and write for days... but I wont cause there is just way to much to do. Belen is on fia and I am just the happiest ever that I get to end my mission here. God loves me! And answers prayers. Update time, The Sibaja family is going through the temple September 6th and I get to go. Yay! Juan has already read the book of mormon... TWICE! Miguel and Brandon came ready in their white shirts and ties to pass the sacrament Sunday. Members are going to talk with Martha's boyfriend tonight so they can convince to marry so she can get baptized. Yader has introduced us to all his neighbors and tonight we have family home evening with them. Natalia is still my favorite investigator in the world! Story time, So we went to teach her and Oscar the restoration on Wednesday. But before we started, we asked them if they had read the pamplet. Oscar says of course and starts to go into complete and full detail about the priesthood and the apostasy and Joseph Smith and I'm pretty sure my jaw was just hanging wiiiide open because I have never ever ever met a family so amazing and so prepared. For real. And the best part is THEY LOVE COMING TO CHURCH. And all the members are sooo sooo happy to see a new family there. Every one ran up to them after sacrament and made them feel so loved. Then after church we went over to their house with some members and watched the restoration movie and we were all just crying afterwards sharing testimonies because the spirit was so powerful and just filled the room. No one could deny it. So then I asked their 6 year old son, Dani, what he liked the best. And he said, "when he prayed in the trees and saw God! But I didn't like it when they didn't believe him. But dont worry, I believe him!" Ahhh it was just the best thing ever and we all knelt down to pray after and it was the most touching prayer I've ever heard. Oscar asked to have his heart, mind, and soul open to be able to discern if this is what he should do for his family and to be able to accept the gospel in their lives to continue feeling the peace they have felt. They are just the greatest, nicest people ever and I just cry when I think about how blessed I am to be able to teach them. And how the Lord put them in our path. No doubt they will be ready for their baptismal date September 6th!!! YEAH!!! When we feel like hope is lost, we just have to keep praying for those who are waiting for us and I TESTIFY they will come. As long as we keep working. Natalia, Oscar, Santi and Dani are the people I've been praying for my entire mission. Crazy news time, Hermana Ponce has changes and is going to return to her 2nd area. She will have a total of 9 months in this place! Wowww! She is super excited and going to train a newbie for her last 6 weeks. I am going to miss her like crazy. We have seen so many miracles together. And it's so sad saying bye to someone you have been with and grown to live in 4 months... My new companion is hermana Martinez from Honduras. She's got 6 months in the mission and has been to Belen on divisions and taught Natalia for the first time. Coincidence?! No way. God is perfect. And so are his plans. Story of my life time, So I got stung by a bee for the first time, which really hurt, and found out that I'm slightly allergic. And by that I mean my entire leg swelled up like a baloon while 3 sister missionaries who didn't know what they were doing tried to get the stinger out with no luck. Finally we went to a pharmacy... which is like a doctors office here... and when I asked the doctor to look at it she encouraged me to buy tweezers and do it myself because they dont "do these types of things" haha. THANKS! Then she sold me some weird cream that said tico on it and well hopefully it'll heal up here pretty soon. Yep, that's the story of my life hahaha. Tico time, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, MA! Because August 15th was Mother's Day here! Why you ask? Because it's also the birthday or celebration of the SANTA MARIA! Being a missionary is the biggest blessing and greatest miracle there could ever be. I love representing Jesus Christ and am determined to make this last change, the best yet! These past few months haven't been the easiest, but seeing the miracles and the blessings now makes every tear worth it. And I can now testify that president Monson's favorite scripture is true... *And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.* XO, Hermana Starke P.s. we had pancakes for sacrament this week. Hahaha I LOVE CR!
Always a party we are planning....;) |
This is the reunion with the Hermana's Training specialist. |
This is my view everyday... getting to see Hermana Ponce |
My view everyday |
This is my view everyday.... |
This is about how many soccer balls one family has |
This is what they wear to school |
We made these for all the Mother's on Mother's day |
Beautiful Rainbow |
This is Natalia and Oscar and their kids |
The Haws Family from Arizona that fed us. |
This is the street that I live on |
This is where I live |
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Hi everyone! Even though it's summer for you all up there in the states, it's been soo cold here. And when I say cold I mean 60 and 70 degrees. The funniest part is, everyone starts pulling our their beanies, scarves and sweaters. I don't know what I will do when the humind rainy weather is not my life anymore because I am just way too used it it. People have never ever seen or experienced snow here and so when it gets a little windy, that means freezing to them. It's hilarious. So much happens in my life everyday I feel like it's impossible to just sum it up in a few short paragraphs. But hey, it'll just have to do! Here's the top 5 best things that have happened to me all week... enjoy! 1. YADER GOT BAPTIZED. Remember yader?? If not, just know that on saturday, I witnessed a complete miracle right before my eyes as Yader entered into the waters of baptism. All day Saturday I had to keep reminding myself that it was real because I just could not believe it. Seriously, only God knows and understands how much we have worked and prayed for this guy! It's so crazy how just acting on such a small simple prompting to talk to him one Sunday after church could lead to this... When we met him, he was completely alone, sad, addicted to drugs and alcohol, and living with someone. We invited him to church, he came, and began to change his life. He has never missed a Sunday since! We met him 13 weeks ago and his journey has been rough but completely amazing. If I didn't believe in the atonement before, I sure do now. It's real and that I know without a doubt. He reads the BOM everyday and it's just incredible to see a new light in his eyes. He looks different, acts different and it's all because he now knows hes a child of God. Hes only 21 and has his whole life ahead of him and says hes excited to go on a mission in a year. He also is a crazy talented artist so he said he's going to paint us a picture of the temple to thank us for changing his life and inviting him to the church he lived next door to for 7 years... it's truly a miracle. 3. Miguel got baptized! Hes Benitos 16 year old brother that got baptized last week.... next on the list, their mom, martha! Woohoo! She just needs to get married first. This kid also has changed a ton and goes to all the mutuals and seminary and just loves being a member of the church of Jesus christ of latter day saints. I mean, who doesn't? He got baptized Sunday before church and after wards we had gallo pinto for breakfast. The stake President showed up and congratulated us and told us thats how every baptism should be!!! Hahaha sounds good to me. 4. Natalia is my favorite investigator of all time. I started talking to her one day in the street while she was struggling to teach her 2 sons to ride bikes. She was so nice and friendly. Turns out she used to live in Ciudad Colon and knows a few members there... we got her number and made an appointment to go back. We taught her, she accepted a baptismal date, and came to church Sunday! Her husband already looks and acts like a member and they read the bible together as a family everynight. They are super super prepared and I am so excited to see what happens with them. Yay. 5. Today we enjoyed pizza with refried beans on it and honestly, it's the best pizza ive ever eaten. That or my blood has turned tica. I LOVE COSTA RICA!!!!!!!!!! Se con todo mi corazon que esta obra es real y que no trabajamos por el Senor, proque El trabaja con nosotros! Lo amo y los amo a ustedes. Gracias por sus oraciones, amor, y apoyo. Nos vemos in siete cortas semanas! Ahhhhhhhhh! Con mucho amor, Hermana EEHHSTARR (yep, thats how they say mah name)
White Cucaracha |
Yader GOT BAPTIZED... Whoooo hooooo |
Benitos brother Miguel got Baptized |
Knocking on Doors.... inviting investigators to church |
Taking selfies, waiting for our investigators to get ready |
These two got caugh playing in the flour |
Front door to a investigators home |
Sunday dinner |
Pizza with refried beans on it.....seriously the best pizza EVA...or else my blood has turned Tica.... |
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Love makes the WORK go round
Hiiiiiiiii everyone, Your favorite missionary from Costa Rica officially has 16 months in the mission. But last Monday we had interviews with President and he told me to just imagine that I still have a year left so that's what I'm gonna do. So here's to another year, woohoo!!! Honestly, this week was just plain awesome. My interview with President went great and he just made me feel like the greatest missionary there ever was and that makes me happy because I always doubt myself and get sad for not having more when I just give my heart and soul to this work. Anyway so that was fun. Then later, we had a huge giant fun family night with like 20 investigators and it was a blast. But oh no no the partying does not stop there! On Wednesday we had divisions and 2 missionaries from Guatemala came to work with me. They finish their missions in 3 weeks and are super trunky... aka ready to go home... so I put them straight to work and we talked with every single person we saw and worked super hard and had 7 lessons! We did not waste one minute! So much fun. They were seriously so dead at the end of the day but I felt great haha. I think I did what Jesus would do. And that's my goal so I would say it was a successful round of divisions!
So on Friday my companion remembered about a nice sweet lady she had talked to on a bus and wanted to find her. Okay. Only problem was… she didn't have her number, last name or address. Just a basic idea of where she MIGHT live. Hmmmm. So I was like great it will be an adventure, let's do it! So we looked all around for Edith. We asked about a million people for her, knocked on lots of doors, and got chased by dogs. But it was just the best feeling ever when we finally FOUND HER! Really I just know that when we get on our knees and pray then get on our feet and work, the Lord can bless us immensely with anything he wants to. We just have to earn it and be worthy of his trust and confidence. Just another one of the great lessons the mission has taught me… Pause. In the computer place where I am right now there are weird crazy computer gamming kids surrounding me and it’s a lil distracting. They are screaming and talking to themselves and their computer screens so sorry if this email is all over the place. I can't exactly focus right now. Hahaha. Where was I? Ok Saturday was one crazy day as well and lots of funny things happened to us. 1.A car of boys rolled down their windows, told us they loved us and wanted to marry us, and then started dancing and shaking their butts towards us. It was the weirdest thing ever. But we just couldn’t help but laugh hysterically afterwards. 2. I saw this guy approaching us with a cigarette which always makes me excited because it means I get to hand out a word of wisdom pamphlet. So I stopped in front of him to start chatting but he just kept walking with his dread locks and all, then shot his arm up to the sky and made the peace sign. Hahaha what? Ok pura vida. 3. We were standing on the corner waiting to cross the street when a car drove by and shouted at us, MUERTE AL PAPA!!!!!!!!!! They basically told us that they wanted the pope to die. Well sorry buddy hate to break it to ya but we aren’t nuns! 4. Hermano Emilio threw my companion ANOTHER surprise party because well I guess he didn’t exactly get the memo last week. So we celebrated again with cake and friends. But this time with a live guitar! And crazy Spanish songs. We are so loved here in Belen. And I have never eaten so much cake in my life.
But Saturday had it's happy spiritual moments too! Our investigator Benito got baptized. He's been so fun to teach and was a reference from members that are basically his parents and raise him. He has a huge family and they all came to church Sunday to support him and are investigating… just progressing slower than we would like. Hopefully they will all be baptized soon too! Eso es la fe!
Also, Marney and Roger got married! Now they are just one step closer to baptism. We planned it all in just a couple days. Seriously, the Lord can make miracles happen and always prepares the way for his children to keep his commandments. So after a little stress and running around like crazy people we threw it all together and now they are even more excited for their baptism. Roger just needs to come to church 1 more time! Luckily a bunch of members came to show their support and love and it was just what they needed.
I love you all soooo very much! Thanks for joining me in my adventures… that aren’t going to end for another year! Hehe. Xoxo, Hermana Starke P.S. In ward counsel this week, we took 20 minutes to discuss the issue of head lice and how it's spreading around in the primary... I was trying real hard not to laugh. Yeah, things are way different here in CR haha. P.P.S I was the happiest ever on Sunday when I got a package of goodies delivered to me at church with lots of fun yummy treats. I didn’t know who it was from at first but I just want to say THANK YOU KAYDEE!!! You are awesome. I love you. Thanks so very much! That was so kind and thoughtful of you. Muchas gracias! P.P.P.S Well it's safe to say that the guy next to me lost his game. His moaning and I think crying. Akkkwward. Well that’s my cue outta here. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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