Monday, December 9, 2013



That's what all the ticans say here.


That's what all the ticans eat here. It's rice and beans together with onion,
pepper, and this special sauce all fried up together. It's what they eat
every dang day for breakfast.


On every single corner there is a bread shop. And people buy a loaf of
bread every morning to eat with their pinto and coffee. That is, until
*we*meet them.

This week we had some exciting stuff happen. We got new neighbors!!! An
abuelita, her son, and her granddaughter, Gabriela.

We started talking/teaching them right away and it has been quite the
experience. We knocked on their door with an "uuupppeee buenas" then they
so kindly invited us in for pinto and pan. So we gained new neighbors and a
new place to eat.

Friday we had the funnest ward Christmas party and put up a tree in the
chapel with caroling and treats. So we invited Gabriela and her family but
only Gabriela could come. So away we went and I thought she was enjoying
herself until she asked if we could talk oustide. She put her hands over
her face and started to sob. She broke down telling me how hard Christmas
time was for her because she has never spent a Christmas with her mom. She
has had almost every problem a 14 year old could possiblly have and it took
everything I had to not cry with her. Abuse, cutting, depression, anorexia
and much more...

But in this moment I remembered who I was. A representative of the Lord
Jesus Christ himself. With the power to call upon His devine help. I
couldn't cry. That's not what Jesus would do. I had to be strong and I had to
help. And once I remembered that, I instantly  felt the love He had for
this poor girl. So I offered a prayer in my heart and said...

"Well Heavenly Father, I don't know what do to. I don't know how to help her.
I don't know how she feels and I don't know what she needs. But I know you
do. So please, please help me". Somehow I found the words to say, I felt
prompted that she needed to talk with a priesthood holder. So she was able
to talk with our Zone leader, Elder Sorenson, who by a miracle just
happened to be here doing baptismal interviews for us.

She had a long talk with him and recieved a blessing. Then the miracle
happened. She walked out a completely new person. A new girl with a better
knowledge that she is a daugher of God. And while her earthly mother has
never shown her the love she deserves, she has a Father in Heaven who loves
her more than she knows. With a book of mormon in her hand and a little
more light in eyes I saw right before my own eyes the miracle and power of
the gospel and how it can change lives. It is availavble for everyone. And
it can change anyone.

I'm so grateful for Gabriela this week and that Heavenly Father placed her
in my life. And while I face challenges here and situations that seem
almost impossible to fix I realize all I have to do is let The Lord do his
work.  And He always, always does. I am looking forward to continue helping
her and her family learn of the gospel and become baptized. It's truly a

Love you all
See you through skype in 16 days
But who's counting.......?


Your favorite hermanita,
Hna Starke

P.S Happiest of birthdays to my Aunt Kristen! Love you lots. PURA VIDA!

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