Hey fam,
Welp sad news. This is about to be the shortest email I've ever sent. But I
still love you all and just remember that we get to skype so soon, ok? :)
During Decemeber there is barely any rain here! And there has been no need
for umbrellas. So in exchange for carrying our 2 umbrellas everyday we
welcomed in 2 new ulcers...
So Sunday morning around 7am my companion started throwing up blood. But no
worries, church starts at 9am. So we call a taxi to come pick us up and
take us to the chapel because the poor girl could barely walk. She's a
trooper, this one! Nothing stops us from taking the Santa Cena.
So after Sacrament meeting we call the nurse and she tells us to come to
the hospital NOW. So lucky for us, a sweet angel from our ward and her
husband drive us to the Clinica Biblica Hospital in San Jose. After lots of
lines, and tests and waiting we find out that Hermana Hernandez has stomach
ulcers. No not just an ulcer, the pobre has had 2 stomach ulcers in her
stomach for mas o menos 8 months.
So immedately they put her on fluids and she assigned her to lay in a
hospital bed. She can't eat or drink or walk or do anything basically. Such
sad news but we are happy that the doctors finally found the source of the
problem. They originally thought she had a bacteria. Actually, Sunday was
her 4th visit to this hospital. And please say lots of prayers for me
because as nice as this hospital is, they don't use gloves and it freaks me
out. Hope to never come here again!
So while Hermana H slept the day away all drugged up, I read every talk in
the Liahona about 5 times. Because we are still missionaries and don't have
TV and ipads to entertain us. I had lots of time to think and I felt so bad
because there was nothing I could do for my comp or in the work. But you
better believe I chatted with every nurse and doctor about the
church! Unfortunately, they can't give out their numbers or directions. Some
rule for safety or whatever. Haha lame. So I said a long prayer and asked
Hevenly Father what I could do.
So then I read a talk by Richard G Scott and I felt like Heavenly Father
was talking directly at me! He said:
"Great power can come from memorizing scriptures. To memorize a scripture
is to forge a new friendship. It is like discovering a new individual who
can help in time of need, give inspiration and comfort. They can provide an
incredibly large resource of willing friends who can help us. Scriptures
can calm an agitated soul, giving peace, hope, and a restoration of
confidence in one’s ability to overcome the challenges of life. They have
potent power to heal emotional challenges when there is faith in the
Savior... *They can accelerate physical healing."*
Did you read that?! Memorizing scriptures can accelerate physical healing!
So just take a guess at what I have been doing all my P day long at the bed
side of my companion?
It's been amazing and I know the Lord is going to bless us quickly so we can
get back to our area and work. Just know that I am happy and safe and will
be here with my companion until she gets better. But for now send your
prayers this way and enjoy lots of non hospital food for me. Love you guys
with all my heart!
Hernama Starke
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Umbrellas and Ulcers
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