Dear all,
This week was awesome. And filled with LOTS of Christmas miracles.
1. I met a family on the bus. And I think it's the one I have been praying
for. I will give more details later but as for now I am soo happy. I met a
sweet, humble mom with 4 kids and a heart so prepared by the Lord. I'm
excited to meet with them this next week!
2. Lovin from home. I got my package Christmas eve, just in time!!! I was
the happiest ever. And when I opened it Christmas morning my eyes filled
with tears as I pulled out 5 beautifully wrapped gifts. With perfect bows
and shiny paper, just like Mom always does. I can't explain it but I felt
home, just for a moment. And so grateful. I don't know if any of you have
ever worn the same 5 outfits for 9 months, but it gets really old. Really
quick! So as you can imagine, recieving 5 new outfits seriously made my
entire life. I am in love with all my new skirts and I just cried because I
felt so happy and so blessed. Thank you, thank you! From the bottom of my

2. Skype with my family! (And the Normans, and Kt Shawty!) Ahhh it was just
the best. I told myself I wouldn't cry. But you all know me, and I couldn't
help it. Thanks for being the best family ever. Thanks for always
supporting and beliving in me.

3. The wedding of the year! So April fools day is December 28th here! Weird
huh? But no joke, we threw the best wedding ever! We have been planning it
for the past month and let me tell you, it has been quite the experience...
Martha was the very first person that I met when I got to Ciudad Colon, and
since then, she's had a special place in my heart. She had just started
letting the missionaries visit her, after giving into the requests of her
18 year old son, Marco.
Marco was baptized 2 years ago and since then his life has changed
dramatically. People now can barely recognize him without his long hair and
7 face piercings. But after reading the book of mormon, his heart has
changed. And he has never gone back.
It first started with Martha as "english classes" but she knew deep down,
that's not all we wanted. Soon the lessons started, and she opened up a book
of mormon for the first time as well as her heart. She began to pray. She
began to feel that someone was listening.
She started coming to church. And she liked it. She made friends, but still
couldn't let go of her old friends and her old life. Partying with friends,
alcohol on the weekends, and coffee every morning. She told us all about
how she would *never* get married. Because it hadn't worked out so well the
first time and she wouldn't ever put her heart through that again.
She had doubts and fears and pain, just like the rest of us. But we never
gave up on her. And she kept listening.
Finally one night we prayed real hard to know what it was gonna take to
change and touch her heart. We planned a lesson on the atonement and bore
strong testimony of the importance of marriage, baptism, and most
importantly, following and doing the will of God. It ended in tears and a
baptismal date.
But a baptismal date meant and wedding date as well, with Jan Carlos. A
happy, easy going guy who is absolutely in love with Martha. She tells him
what to do, and he loves it! The only problem was, he is from Nicaragua
which meant he had a bunch of lengthly and expensive paper work to do. Not
knowing where the money was going to come from we all fasted and Jan Carlos
was able to schedule the appointment quickly, find the money, and recieve
his residence! They both called us crying. The Lord had blessed them, they
knew it, and they couldn't deny it. This wedding and baptism was so on!
So then came a month of difficulties, tests, and miracles. We worked and
stressed hard to plan her a beautiful wedding. One she had always dreamed
of. Staying up late to make inviations, organizing an activity to raise
money, and shopping in San Jose for the perfect shoes. But luckily their
doubts began to disappear and were replaced with their faith. Their
testimonies began to grow. And they started to remind US to bless the food
before dinner. They went to all the activites, and church without fail.
So the big day finally came along with tears and lots of yummy food. They
danced the night away and celebrated with sparkling cider. We were with
them through it all, and so was the Lord. All their family and friends
couldnt believe it, and really, neither could we. It was truly a miracle!
They had given up everything to follow Jesus Christ and it was amazing to
have seen it all before my eyes.
Sunday morning we held their baptism and Marco was finally able to baptize
his mom! After she came out of the water, they hugged and wept and rejoiced
and it was one of those moments I will never, ever forget. I don't think
there was a dry eye in the entire room. Marco now has a mission call to
Mexico and I know he will be baptizing lots more! The spirit was strong and
I know without a doubt, Heavenly Father was smiling down on us. It was a
beautiful, beautiful day!

I love this work, and I love that the Lord trusts me enough to let me be
apart of it. I am a witness of Him because I have seen what He can do. And
it was the greatest Christmas miracle I could have ever wished for.
Love you all,and Happy New Year!
Hermana Starke
A lady in our ward does nails and she did my nails for Christmas |
One of my new Christmas outfits from mom |